Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Patron Picks! Summer Reading 2015 - Week 4, Part 1

Posted by Anonymous

Summer really has Yuma County fired up for reading! We received so many book reviews this past week that they'll be split into two blog posts, the better to give each a chance to shine. Thanks for your feedback on what you've been reading!

Reviewed by: Angela T.
What I Read: The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie
Find It at YCLD: Here!
What I Thought: A fantastic classic who-done-it mystery. A widow commit's suicide and rumors begin that she killed her husband and was being blackmailed about it. Her new gentleman friend is then murdered in his locked study. There are many suspects and the story is cleverly written so you are strung along and surprised at the end! This is a Hercule Poirot detective novel, whose methods are similar to Sherlock Holmes, where every minor detail is important and everyone has a secret! Highly recommend!

Reviewed by: Dusty W. 
What I Read: A Hummingbird In My House by Arnette Heidcamp
Find It at YCLD: Here!
What I Thought The book was very heart-warming. The author's descriptive words allowed the reader to visualize every aspect of her true story she was trying to convey. The photos were beautiful and captured the events she spoke about along the way. I, myself, AM a bird lover; as I too observe the hummingbirds in my yard! I became educated in the types of flowers to grow in one's garden to attract these tiny birds; was also informed of their diet made up of not only sugars from nectar, but protein from insects. As for now, I'll let the hummers "honor me with their presence" in the wild, and enjoy my Zebra Finches indoors!

Reviewed by: Zoraya C.
What I Read: Is it hot in here? Or is it me? by Pat Wingert, et al.
Find It at YCLD: Here!
What I Thought: This books very interesting for me. I helps all. And I think that is good books for more people that ist in the Menopause.
Fue muy interesante y me ayudo mucho.

Reviewed by: Zoraya C.
What I Read: El pasaje silencioso by Gail Sheehy
Find It at YCLD: Here!
What I Thought: Muy bueno parami es muy interesande me gusty y me servio mucho.

Reviewed by: Carol P.
What I Read: The Daughter of Zion by Bodie Thoene
Find It at YCLD: Here!
What I Thought: It is very well written & characters personalities keep it interesting as does the action & the drama. There are flash backs in the form of Rachel remembering when she & her mother & other Jews were packed in cattle cars who had been promised a cup of water, & when she was separated from her mother. The book, like the rest of the Zion series is fiction based in the time of history after World War II. The history part seems to be acurate and the fictional characters are intriguing & interesting. Is a good read.

Reviewed by: Carol P.
What I Read: The Return to Zion by Bodie Thoene
Find It at YCLD: Here!
What I Thought: This book continues with the lives of the characters of The Daughter of Zion and through their talk & actions shows their love for their fellow-man & country & their desire for the world to recognize that they still struggle after the war has ended as the Arabs try to make the world believe that it is the Jews that continue to fight & bomb. The emotions & personalities of people from both sides & the Brits/English are clearly & interestingly shown as the Jews inside the Old City no longer receive supplies of food; but stubbornly stay any way. Book is very well written.

Reviewed by: Carol P.
What I Read: The New Whole Grains Cookbook by Robin Ashbell
Find It at YCLD: Here!
What I Thought: Easy to follow recipes. Good explanation as to why whole grains are better for you than refined grains. Has many good recipes for a large variety of various grains; for breads & muffins not requiring yeast & with reduced sugar & what fruits are good substitutes for oil or butter. Has recipes for using whole wheat, bulgur, quinoa, couscous, oats, wild rice, barley, buckwheat, rices, rye; and Job's Tears also known as Chinese barley or hato mugi. Explains different things about the various grains, such as wild rice isn't raely a rice but is an aquatic grass that originated in North American marshes.

Reviewed by: Nancy L.
What I Read: Se una pareja feliz by Barton Goldsmith
Find It at YCLD: Here!
What I Thought: Este libro trate de como cambiar los habitos negativos por positivos y fortalecerlos, como la gratitud y la honestidad, necesarios para una convivencia sana y amorosa con tu pareja, comprender que simples actos. de bondad y generosidad aumentan la posibilidad de una relacion feliz y Aceptar que la felicidad esta en to bueno actitud y deceo de cambio.

Reviewed by: Nancy L.
What I Read: Tengo 50 ¿y qué? by Giselle Blondet
Find It at YCLD: Here!
What I Thought: Este libro es un perfecto manual que en cada etapa de tu vida. seas exitosa, te sientas realiecida, bella y disfrutando de ser lo que eres, como lo hace. la conductura de televicion Giselle Blondet, El dia que ella complio los 50 años juro que nunca dina su edad. Y dire qe los 50 años son los nuevos 30.

Reviewed by: Nancy L.
What I Read: Por que los hombres se casan con las cabronas by Sherry Argov
Find It at YCLD: Here!
What I Thought: Este libro trata de que antes la mujer debia complacer en todo a su pareja, Sherry propone un nuevo modelo de mujer independiente, que se valvera la mas deseable, la que el querra a toda costa conquistar y conservar: Desde las ideas sobre. el compromiso hasta la vida sexual moderna, pasando por las ventajas de la independencia financiera y los secretos. mas obscuros del generao masculino, este libro te da las nerramientas para que el se sienta afortunado de querercasorse contigo.

Reviewed by: Sara Y.
What I Read: El Quijote by Miguel de Cervantes
Find It at YCLD: Here!
What I Thought: Una divertida historia de un hombre que por leer tantas avanturas de caballeros, pierde la cabeza. Literalmente pierda la cabeza y se autonombra "Caballero Andante". 
Aungue el español castellano en que esta escrito es dificil de entender y se tienen que leer las subnotas, esto no le resta brillantez a las tantas aventuras vividas en una imaginacion brillante de nuestro heroe por defender lo que el considera injusticias (que solo existen en su imaginacion) o que son reales pero que son su intervencion solo se agravan.

Check the Yuma Staff Picks Blog again at the end of the week for more reviews!